Home > acts_as_filterable


Acts_as_filterable is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Small plugin to easily specify filters for your active record models

= ActsAsFilterable

ActsAsFilterable is a plugin to allow easy filtering of active record models on configured attributes.

== Installation

Run the following command: rails plugin install git://github.com/ygor/acts_as_filterable.git

== Usage

For your model(s) that you want to allow to be filtered, just add the mixin and pass the names of the class methods or scopes that can be used as filters: class Book < ActiveRecord::Base

attributes: author, genre and language

acts_as_filterable :by_author, :by_genre, :language
scope :by_genre, lambda {|genre| where('genre = ?', genre)}
def self.by_author(author)
  where('author = ?', author)


Then use the following to filter: @books = Book.filter(:by_author => 'Asimov', :by_genre => 'sci-fi').all # finds all sci-fi books written by Asimov

If a filter key does not exist as a method or a scope, an Arel where scope is added instead. For example: @books = Book.filter(:language => 'en').all # finds all books where language LIKE 'en'
