Home > yii-static-pages


Yii-static-pages is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Examples of how to use static pages with the PHP framework yii

This is an example of how to set-up and use static pages with the PHP framework, Yii.

The problem is to find a method of creating hierachies of static pages. i.e. something like /staticpages/blah/moreblah/evenmoreblah/fredview.php

You can find the conversation that lead to this work here: http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3376-static-pages-again/

It follows on and adds to the yii wiki entry 'How to display static pages in Yii?' found here http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/22/

I built this project step-by-step, so if you want you can reset to any commit and diff the changes, to see precsiely what was done.

After git cloning this project you will have a working webapp with static pages. However, you will probably need to make the following configuration chanes.

  1. You'll need to point the yii root index.php at your yii framework.

  2. You'll also need to adjust the RewriteBase in the root .htaccess to your project root.

  3. If you clone to your public webroot then you'll need to give your webserver permissions to protected/runtime, say:

    sudo chown www-data:www-data runtime
