Home > YouTubePlayer


YouTubePlayer is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

MooTools class that wraps the YouTube player JavaScript API.


Simple MooTools class with the aim to provide a simple interface to the [YouTube player API](http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/js_api_reference.html "YouTube JS API reference"), built on top of the Swiff class.

The code is well commented and it should be easy to read. The class serves my needs as it is, but if you need a feature contact me!

More infos

I wrote an article describing what this class is for and how to use it. Go to the bottom of the page for a demo that shows more or less what you can do with it.


You will need the core MooTools library and the URI class from More.


The main advantages are:

  • You do not have to define the "onYouTubePlayerReady" function. The class will create it itself.
  • All the functions that return void are automatically enqueued if the player is not ready, and executed when the player becomes ready.
  • The functions that are supposed to return something return null if the player is not ready.
  • MooTools-like events: 'playerReady', 'stateChange', 'playbackQualityChange' and 'error'. These event can be added with the usual .addEvent function directly on the YouTubePlayer object.
  • All the standard api functions have been added to the YouTubePlayer bject You can also set specific attributes of the object with the "set" and "get" functions, that operate on the actual flash <object> tag.
  • The <object> tag is still accessible via the .object attribute of the YouTubePlayer object.