Home > ypg


Ypg is a project mainly written in Erlang, it's free.

ypg is a Yaws appmod to view/search postgresql tables

ypg.erl - Version 1.0

a modified version of ymnesia.erl to work with postgresql

ymnesia.erl is found in the yaws source

yaws, an erlang based web server, is found at:


ypg uses ajax to show results of table searches


Compile ypg.erl

erlc ypg.erl

put ypg.beam in a known ebin folder in yaws.conf

In yaws.conf add the appmods line for ypg:

port = 8080 listen = docroot = /usr/local/var/yaws/www appmods = appmods =

You would then access ypg by going to:



  1. jquery
  2. postgresql
  3. http://code.google.com/p/erlang-psql-driver/
  4. A browser that supports the HTML5 slider widget (tested and working as of June 9, 2010: safari 5.0, chrome 5.0.375.70, opera 10.53)
  5. create ypg.hrl with this information filled out properly:

% postgres connection info

-define(HOST, "hostname"). -define(DB, ""). -define(USERNAME, ""). -define(PASSWORD, "").

% jQuery location in YAWS root www folder, i.e. create static folder in /usr/local/var/yaws/www

-define(JQUERY, "/static/jquery-1.4.2.min.js").

% YAWS api location (example below)

