Home > snake


Snake is a project mainly written in Python, based on the BSD-2-Clause license.

Yet another port of Rake.

===== Snake

Snake is yet another Make-like tool, written on Python and inspired by Rake.

Usage Example

In a directory with snakefile.py (or in any sub-directory) containing such code::

from snake import *

@depends_on('virtualenv', 'install')
def init():
    print("Activate your virtualenv with:")
    print("  $ source bin/activate")

def virtualenv():
    sh('virtualenv -q --no-site-packages .')

def install():
    sh('bin/pip -q install -e .')


$ snake init
(in /Users/yumike/Projects/Snake)
[sh] virtualenv -q --no-site-packages .
[sh] bin/pip -q install -e .
Activate your virtualenv with:
  $ source bin/activate