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Z2Notify is a project mainly written in C and OBJECTIVE-C, based on the MIT license.

Z2Notify is a Mac application that can test Apple Push Notifications to the iOS device. (see Z2NotifyMe)

Z2Notify: Z2Live Service Notification Tester MIT License (Copyright 2009 Zero260, Inc) www.Z2Live.com

Z2Notify is a native Mac application that sends notifications to the iPhone and iPod touch (OS 3.0) via the Apple Push Notification service (APNs).

Push Notification Certificate Setup on the Mac

You need an application-specific push notification certificate from Apple.

See instructions on Z2Live.com about creating the AppID and certificate
via Apple's developer portal.

Download the .cer file and double-click it to enter it into your keychain.
It must have the private key associated with it.

If you've installed the certificate and it doesn't have the private key, then have the owner export the private key into a .p12 file and send that to you. Double-click that to install it.

Enter the name of the certificate into the Certificate text field. It will be something like this:

"Apple Developer Push Services: XXXXXXXXX:YYYYYYYYY"

iPhone Application Setup

You will need an iPhone app built with an AppID that has push notifications enabled.

Download the provision profile associated with the AppID used to create the certificate (above).

Build the iPhone app with that bundle identifier (note: it has to have the full name com.your-company.app-name. You cannot use wildcards for push notification as they are application specific.

You will need to run the application and get the device token via the UIApplication didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken method.

Enter that device token into the Device Token text field.
