Home > zend-tool-model


Zend-tool-model is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Zend_Tool extension to provide ability to generate DDD classes for ZF project

Zend Model Generators and toolset


Table generation

zf create x-tables [filter-table-prefix]

Generates table classes for every table in DB. Of course db params must be already installed with

zf db configure

You can define common prefix you used in your tables to produce classes without this prefix. For example, if you have tbl_users table and call generator as

zf create x-tables tbl_

Then Model_DbTable_Users will be created. If no prefix will be given then Model_DbTable_TblUsers class will be generated.

Mapper generation

zf create x-mapper name [type] [module]

Generates mapper class. If Db type were provided then mapper class will be filled with pre-defined functions:

  • get[Item]ById
  • get[Items]
  • get[Items]Paginator

Collection generation

zf create x-collection name [item-type] [module]

Generates collection class for given item type. Item type must be given without Model_ prefix.

Service generation

zf create x-service name [module]

Generates service class.

Model generation

zf create x-model name [module]

Generates model infrastructure.
