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Zeno is a project mainly written in JAVA and PERL, based on the Apache-2.0 license.

Dynamic load balancing using Zookeeper

I. Installing packages before building

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.hadoop -DartifactId=zookeeper -Dversion=3.1.1 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=$PATH_TO_ZOOKEEPER_JAR

II. Build

mvn clean package assembly:assembly

III. Set up directories in zookeeper.

1. Start a ZooKeeper server

2. Use the zkCli.sh script provided with Zookeeper

zkCli.sh < /src/main/resources/s4-cluster.cmds

IV. Start a Zeno Console

In a separate window (you may omit rlwrap, if it is not installed on the system):

rlwrap java -cp target/zeno- io.s4.zeno.console.Main localhost /s4cluster

V. Start some Sites

In separate windows:

SITE1: java -cp target/zeno- io.s4.zeno.SiteTest SITE1 localhost /s4cluster "{port.event:12344,port.receive.protocol:21344,port.receive.data:13244}" SITE2: java -cp target/zeno- io.s4.zeno.SiteTest SITE2 localhost /s4cluster "{port.event:12345,port.receive.protocol:21345,port.receive.data:13245}"

VI. Generate Load

In the console window (IV)

loadgen src/main/resources/high-100.txt

VII. Notice that the 2 sites are now overloaded and try to shed load.

Start a third site to take over the load.

SITE3: java -cp target/zeno- io.s4.zeno.SiteTest SITE3 localhost /s4cluster "{port.event:12346,port.receive.protocol:21346,port.receive.data:13246}"

Now observe as parts are transferred.
