Home > ZKComponent


ZKComponent is a project mainly written in JAVA and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

a base sample for building zk component

What's this?

 Here is a sample project that explain how to create a zk component.

 I create a customize component , named 'mylabel' ,
 and it provide a label let you put your value inside .

 It was customize to a ugly color style with css ,
 you can find that in the code.

 And I take one customize event , 
 to show you how to communicate with server.

 1. "BINDING EVENT" and "FIRE EVENT" when clicked in client 

 2. "SERVICE EVENT" / "EVENT LISTENER" in server ,

 3. do some response in server.
    (but not only response , but also you can call client side 
     widget method during "AUInvoke", too.)

For develope component:

you can developing the component with this source ,
it's full enviroment for developing component with zk 5.0.3.

    Here's the zkoss component development guide.

    And the source code say that some detail you must know first.

For testing , you can run WebContent/index.zul to check 
   whether the component is working correctly.

(just like a component )

For deploy component:

to use the component , you need to pack it to jar file first.

Just pack all the resource(files,classes...) in src folder as a jar,
and then put the component jar in your zk project.


1.the sample jar i pack at version  5c63e149ddac9e917f7d

2.Then I create a ZKTest zk project, 
  put the jar in WebContent/WEB-INF/lib.

3.Write a zul like this file.


And there should be everything works.

if you have any questions with this , you can email me with "tonylovejava[at]gmail.com" . ^^