Home > zkproto


Zkproto is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

ZooKeeper experimentation prototype

Zookeeper prototype

The goal of this effort is to play with Apache Zookeeper and see how well it works with Python and gevent. This is largely hacked together code.


A localhost Zookeeper is expected.

  1. Create a virtualenv and source it::

    $ virtualenv ~/zkproto_ve $ . ~/zkproto_ve/bin/activate

  2. Install zkproto and dependencies into the virtualenv::

    $ python setup.py develop

  3. supervisord is used to manage the worker processes. Start it up from the zkproto source directory::

    $ supervisord

  4. Run the tests::

    $ zkproto-trials

  5. When you are done, kill supervisord::

    $ supervisorctl shutdown

Lessons learned

Using zookeeper with gevent takes some effort. I had to write a partial wrapper client that marshals completion and watcher events to the gevent thread using an os.pipe(). If we use Zookeeper for real, this client will need to be fleshed out and finished. (zookeeper_gevent.py)
