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Zspice is a project mainly written in C++ and C, it's free.

ECE552 Circuit Analysis Project Readme



$ make

to compile the project. After compilation, the program `zspice' will appeared in the folder, type

$ ./zspice netlist

to run the program on a netlist. All the cases are put in directory `case'

For AC analysis, a gain plot and a phase plot of the node specified in the netlist will be output.

For and transient analysis, the voltage plot specified in the netlist will be output.

A script file is written to view the output. Please ensure ghostscript, gnuplot and X11 are installed properly.


$ ./plot output.dat

to view the file. Type:

$ ./plot output.dat pdf

to output data file to a pdf file.

Report file is in report/552report.pdf
