Home > zuora-catalog


Zuora-catalog is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the Apache-2.0 license.

fetch and sync zuora catalog from/to csv file

== zuora-catalog

The zuora-catalog is a tool built on top of zuora4r and whose purpose is to interact with with Zuora catalog information through API calls. It allows the following:

  • Given an environment (production, sandbox,..), fetch the catalog from zuora and create both a ruby archive and a CSV file. In the example below, we fetch from the zuora sandbox the existing catalog and create both a CSV and rdump file:

    zuora-catalog -F -e sandbox -k ./conf/config.yml -c ./catalog_sandbox.csv -d ./catalog_sandbox.rdmp -l DEBUG

  • Given an existing dump catalog (see previous point) and a CSV file, validate those two match: In the example below, we compare the reference catalog (./catalog_ref.rdmp) with the catalog ./catalog_new.csv

    zuora-catalog -V -e dump -k ./conf/config.yml -d ./catalog_ref.rdmp -c ./catalog_new.csv -l DEBUG

  • Given an environment (production, sandbox,..), an existing dump and a CSV file, synchronize zuora with the provided csv file. In the example given below, we first do a comparison between the reference catalog (./catalog_ref.rdmp) with the catalog ./catalog_new.csv and either i) we abort if there are inconsistencies or ii) we allow to synchronize the zuora sandbox with the new information in catalog_new.csv

    zuora-catalog -S -e sandbox -k ./conf/config.yml -d ./catalog_ref.rdmp -c ./catalog_new.csv -l DEBUG

The flow of operation typically is the following:

  1. Download latest catalog from zuora environment using option '-F'
  2. Validate or push new catalog entries using either option '-V' or '-S'


For each zuora environment (production, sandbox,..) there should one an entry in in the configuration file. The format of that file is:

sandbox: zuora: is_dump: false url: https://www.zuora.com/apps/services/a/27.0 username: password: dump: zuora: is_dump: true

Private Fields:

Zuora allows to define private fields for catalog objects. Those private fields need to be abstracted since each user will have a potentially different set. That makes things a bit more complicated both in terms of code and configuration. If you are not using private fields you can ignore the rest of this section. If you do, there a couple of configuration that need to happen:

  1. You need to configure those fields correctly in zuora4r (file custom_fields.yml) on which that tool relies.
  2. You have the ability to define validation callbacks to check for sanity of fields in your csv file
  3. You have the ability to overwrite the 'keys' for each object. By default the CSVproduct object uses the 'sku' field as a key and the CSVRP uses the 'name' field as a key.

. Regarding custom field in zuora4r, the config file looks like the following-- for each zuora object list the private fields:

Product: NumInstances InclusionList AvailabilityList ProductType ProductRatePlan: NumInstances Slug

. Regarding validation callbacks:

In addition to that, there is a way to register some validation callback when using the option '-V' or '-S'. Those callbacks allow to specify for each field what to check. This file can be specified using the '-s' flag

zuora-catalog -V -e dump -s ./lib/sanity/sanity.rb -k ./conf/config.yml -d ./catalog_ref.rdmp -c ./catalog_new.csv -l DEBUG

An example of a file ./lib/sanity/sanity.rb is shown below:

$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(FILE),'.')

module CatalogTool

module Sanity

class SanityException < Exception


# SANITY_PRODUCT defines callback for CSVProduct

  'product_type' => lambda { |field, key, value|
    // Your code to check 'product_type' field in the product CSV

# SANITY_RP defines callbacks for CSVRP
    'name' => lambda { |field, key, value|  
    // Your code there


. Regarding overwriting the keys for the CSVProduct / CSVRP

The presence of a configuration file conf/csv_key.yml allows to overwrite default keys

CSVProduct: key: my_product_key CSVRP: key: my_rp_key

== Tests

In order to run the tests you need to have a file called conf/environment.yml with an entry 'sandbox' and correct user/pwd for your zuora sandbox account.

== Contributing to zuora-catalog

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2011 Ning, Inc. See LICENSE.txt for further details.
