Home > bookmarks.vim


Bookmarks.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Menu driven bookmarks for gvim

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1368


Bookmarks.vim provides an intuitive menu driven interface to facilitate bookmarking files and directories in gvim.

Bookmark Features:
   -Configurable "popup" bookmark menu
   -Bookmarks contain file name and part of text from bookmarked file, making it easier to remember.
   -The whitespace in bookmarks is compressed, increasing readability.
   -Can have unlimited number of bookmarks.
   -Can bookmark place in help files.
   -Can bookmark local files, remote files, and directories.
   -Can bookmark blank lines - Line number used.
   -Can bookmark gvim on-line help docs.
   -Includes full function bookmark editor -- It&#039s called gvim!