Home > Zopedav


Zopedav is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Handles remote editing with WebDAV, including zope

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1369

This script allows editing of WebDAV resources and is zope-aware. This plugin does not conflict with netrw and catches the webdav:// and zope:// url schemes.

  • Zope scheme zope://[username:password@]host[:port]/path/to/document urls are GET using a "/document_src" suffix and PUT using no suffix

  • WebDAV scheme webdav://[username:password@]host[:port]/path/to/document urls are GET using no suffix and PUT using no suffix

  • Using SSL Shall you need to use ssl, add an "s" prefix to the protocol, for instance szope://securedhost/some/private/document.dtml swebdav://securedhost/some/private/document

  • Options If you intent on editing every WebDAV resource under the "/source" url suffix or/and upload them back under the "/upload" suffix, use the following options in your .vimrc : let g:webdav_get_suffix = "/source" let g:webdav_put_suffix = "/upload"

NB: No error handling is performed NB: See also vimscript #1075
