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Cupdate is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Runs multimarkdown on a source directory creating indexed html files


The purpose of this script is to generate html from a number of multimarkdown files.

The script expects the following directory structure:

root source html css template.erb

The 'source' directory contains multimarkdown files to be parsed.

The 'html' directory is where the resulting html files are put.

The 'css' directory should contain a style.css file, which is linked from all the html documents.

The template.erb is a template for all the html files and should contain the following tags:

<%= title %> - The title of the document (first main header in the markdown file) <%= css_link %> - The css link tag <%= content %> - The result from running multimarkdown on the file

The result of the template file can contain plain html for marking the content.
