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Developer_exercise is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

A simple Ruby on Rails aptitude test for candidates wishing to join our team

==Centro Technology Developer Candidate Exercises

This are exercises to test your aptitude for developing Rails apps.

This application is a very simple media planning application, similar to the one we work on every day at Centro.


  • Placement - The Placement of a display advertisement on a website. The placement runs from the start_date until the end_date.

  • Buy - A Buy is a collection of Placements that will run on a site.

  • Plan - A Plan is a collection of Buys purchased by an advertiser. Buys consist of Placements of advertisements to be run on one or more sites.


The tests use Thoughtbot's Shoulda and FactoryGirl (both included in vendor/gems). Documentation is available at http://www.thoughtbot.com/projects


  1. Currently, a Buy only has its site's name stored in an instance variable. We've generated a resource called Site for you. Please complete the following user stories and provide tests for your code.
  • A Site can have many Buys. A Buy can have one Site.
  • A Site has a name, an URL and a billing contact (you don't need to implement a Contact model).
  • Replace the site_name field on Buy with the Site model.
  • Write a finder on Plan to find all plans with Buys for a given Site.
  1. The application currently has no user interface. Complete these stories with well-tested code. Don't worry about making it look awesome, just make it work.
  • As a user, I can create a new Plan.
  • As a user, I can add Buys to a Plan.
  • As a user, I can add a Site or @site_name to a Buy.
  • As a user, I can add and edit Placements on a Buy.
  • As a user, I cannot save a Plan unless it has at least one Buy.
  • As a user, I cannot save a Buy unless it has a Site or @site_name and at least one Placement.

==When you're finished

  • Create a branch with your solution on it.
  • Send a Github pull request or any clone url to [email protected]