Home > github-contest-java


Github-contest-java is a project mainly written in Java, based on the Apache-2.0 license.


This is my second submission to the GitHub contest. My initial approach was in Ruby and I found it too slow to be usable. This project is mostly a port to Java and performs considerably better. Since it is a port and I was short of time, the variable naming convention often uses underscores rather than camel-casing. The code is fairly clean, but not the best structured Java application by any stretch of the imagination.

For more details on the algorithm used, please ready my write-up.


The project is structured using maven. You must have maven 2.x on your path; I used 2.2.1 throughout the development of the application.

To run the tests:

$ mvn test

To run the project in evaluation mode (runs in 10 fold cross validation):

$ mvn package $ java -Xmx2048m -server -jar target/github_contest-1.0.jar training

To run the project and generate the results.txt file in the current working directory:

$ mvn package $ java -Xmx2048m -server -jar target/github-contest-1.0.jar


The code is licensed under the Apache Software License v2. Please see the LICENSE file for the full license text.