Home > Diagnosing-MySQL-performance-bottlenecks-with-Maatkit


Diagnosing-MySQL-performance-bottlenecks-with-Maatkit is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Files that correlate with the blog.nexcess.net post from 3-5-2011 "Diagnosing MySQL performance bottlenecks with Maatkit"

DATE: 3-5-2011 AUTHOR: spetrow [email protected]

DESCRIPTION: Files that correlate with the blog.nexcess.net post from 3-5-2011 "Diagnosing MySQL performance bottlenecks with Maatkit"

INSTRUCTIONS: WATCH BACKTICKS [`] VS. SINGLE QUOTES [']. Backticks enclose SQL objects like table and column names; single quotes enclose strings.

1.) You will need to edit index.php and change the following section to match the configuration of your system: // DB CONNECTION $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = 'some_dbuser'; $dbpass = 'some_dbpass'; $dbname = 'some_database';

2a.) You can either 'gunzip' the file 'sample-db-100K-records.sql.gz' and import it into your database: mysql -u some_dbuser -psome_dbpass some_database < sample-db-100K-records.sql

2b.) or set up your database manually:

CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS some_database; CREATE TABLE some_databaseName.some_table ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , number INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM; GRANT ALL ON some_database.* TO 'some_dbuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_dbpass'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

3.) Here are copy'n'paste lines for mk-query-profiler:

echo "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE number IN (1,2,3,4,5);" | ./mk-query-profiler --host=0 --user=some_dbuser --pass=some_dbpass --database=some_database

4.) Here is the SQL to add the index to the number column ALTER TABLE some_table ADD INDEX ( number );

Have fun!
