Home > django-modify-history


Django-modify-history is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Automatically create object modify history on Django


This application will create history table for each object in Django


sudo pip install django-modify-history


git clone git://github.com/alisue/django-modify-history.git
sudo pip install django-modify-history/

or download repository and copy it to somewhere in PYTHON_PATH

How to Use

  1. Append modify_history to INSTALLED_APPS
  2. run manage.py syncdb
  3. Add history_site.py to the app and write like below from modify_history import site from modify_history.backends.basic import BasicHistoryBackend

    from models import Article
    class ArticleBackend(BasicHistoryBackend):
    site.register(Article, ArticleBackend)
  4. Use get_history_timelines template tags for get history list like below {% extends 'base.html' %} {% load historytags %}

    {% block content %}
        {% get_history_timelines as timelines %}
        {% for timeline in timelines %}
        <li>{{ timeline.get_message }} at {{ timeline.created_at|date }}</li>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endblock %}


HISTORY_ENABLE : Make history enable, to disable history app just set this False

HISTORY_USER_ATTRS : modify_history app find user from target object's attrs. this is the list of name of attrs. default is ['updated_by', 'user', 'author', 'created_by']