Home > OA-Bookmark


OA-Bookmark is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Bookmarks feature for Open Atrium

You can use a bookmarklet

<li>In your browser click on Links >> Manage Bookmarks</li>
<li>Create a new empty link </li>
<li>Paste the code above in the "url" field</li>
<li>Give a name to your Bookmarklet, like «Make this page a link in my website» ;-)</li>
<li><strong>Be carrefull to change the url part, the <em>PUT-YOUR-OWN-DOMAIN</em></strong></li>


To try it, simply go to a page somewhere, select the part of the text you want to be the excerpt for your link, click on your bookmarklet «Link it». If you have the <a href="http://drupal.org/project/prepopulate">prepopulate module</a>, the Title, URL and body field should be populated.