Home > extjs-mongoose-express-app


Extjs-mongoose-express-app is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

ExtJS 3.3 on top of Node.JS / Express / Mongoose / Socket.io

This is an example of an ExtJS component that interacts with node.js and mongodb.

I use mongoose as the ORM and Express as the application framework on top of node.js.

I use the ruby tool sprockets to keep my javascript cleanly organized.

You should have node.js and npm already installed.

To get all of the dependencies:

for javascript tools

gem install sprockets

socket.io for websockets abstraction

npm install http://cl.ly/2dgx/content

redis client, for socket.io pub/sub

npm install http://github.com/technoweenie/redis-node-client/tarball/npm

express, mongoose, haml, etc

npm install express npm install mongoose npm install haml

to run the server:

node app.js
