Home > PTPasscodeViewController


PTPasscodeViewController is a project mainly written in ..., based on the GPL-3.0 license.

Passcode view controller for iPhone/iPod.


Want a Passcode view for your iPhone/iPod project ? Here's how to add a PTPasscodeViewController on your project with a few lines of code.

How to use

  1. Copy PTPasscodeViewController.m and PTPasscodeViewController.h files to your source tree and add it to XCode project.
  2. Import "PTPasscodeViewController.h" from your code.
  3. Implement PTPasscodeViewControllerDelegate protocol.

Just #import the PTPasscodeViewController.h header

#import "PTPasscodeViewController.h"

Simple example of how to create PTPasscodeViewController:

PTPasscodeViewController *passcodeViewController = [[PTPasscodeViewController alloc] initWithDelegate:self];

UINavigationController *navController = [[UINavigationController alloc]

[self setNavigationController:navController];

[window addSubview:[navController view]];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];

[window release];
[navController release];

Your class will have to implement the PTPasscodeViewControllerDelegate protocol, and to implement the didShowPasscodePanel:panelView:, shouldChangePasscode:panelView:passCode:lastNumber: and didEndPasscodeEditing:panelView:passCode: methods from this protocol:

- (void)didShowPasscodePanel:(PTPasscodeViewController *)passcodeViewController panelView:(UIView*)panelView
    [passcodeViewController setTitle:@"Set Passcode"];

    if([panelView tag] == kPasscodePanelOne) {
       [[passcodeViewController titleLabel] setText:@"Enter a passcode"];

    if([panelView tag] == kPasscodePanelTwo) {
        [[passcodeViewController titleLabel] setText:@"Re-enter your passcode"];

    if([panelView tag] == kPasscodePanelThree) {
        [[passcodeViewController titleLabel] setText:@"Panel 3"];

- (BOOL)shouldChangePasscode:(PTPasscodeViewController *)passcodeViewController panelView:(UIView*)panelView passCode:(NSUInteger)passCode lastNumber:(NSInteger)lastNumber;
    // Clear summary text
    [[passcodeViewController summaryLabel] setText:@""];

    return TRUE;

- (BOOL)didEndPasscodeEditing:(PTPasscodeViewController *)passcodeViewController panelView:(UIView*)panelView passCode:(NSUInteger)passCode

    NSLog(@"END PASSCODE - %d", passCode);

    if([panelView tag] == kPasscodePanelOne) {
        _passCode = passCode;

        return ![passcodeViewController nextPanel];

    if([panelView tag] == kPasscodePanelTwo) {
        _retryPassCode = passCode;

        if(_retryPassCode != _passCode) {
            [passcodeViewController prevPanel];
            [[passcodeViewController summaryLabel] setText:@"Passcode did not match. Try again."];
            return FALSE;
        } else {
            [[passcodeViewController summaryLabel] setText:@"Good boy !"];    


    return TRUE;

Class References




Initializes a PTPasscodeViewController.


UILabel *titleLabel

The label used for the Passcode title.


UILabel *summaryLabel

The label used to show a summary text of the Passcode.


- (void)clearPanel

Reset current panel passcode view.



Switch to the previous passcode panel.



Switch to the next passcode panel.
