Home > RoPaSci


RoPaSci is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

It's RoPaSci!

== Welcome to RoPaSci

RoPaSci is Rock-Paper-Scissors taken to the next level. Building its foundation on the classic, RoPaSci adds new strategic elements to the game by incorporating RPS- and Strategy-like elments to it. A match is more than just a hand gesture, its a gruling campaign of anticpating your opponent and selecting the best weapon for the job.. Do I use the massive attack power of the Scissors and hope to pierce my opponent, or do I play it safe and stand firm with the Rock, blocking my enemies incoming blows, or do I take the route of the serene, silent paper striking silently while regenerating some of my own HP? You, and you alone decide as you stand up to the fearsome "Computer Player" who will keep you guessing for rounds to come.

== Environment

This application is currently using Nginx and the Phusion Passenger Module and an sqlite3 Database