Home > Yojimbo-to-Evernote-AppleScript


Yojimbo-to-Evernote-AppleScript is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

An AppleScript for importing / migrating Yojimbo content into Evernote

= Yojimbo to Evernote Import / Migration AppleScript

== Description

Imports all database items from Yojimbo into an Evernote notebook entitled "Yojimbo Items", preserving tags and creation dates.

== Warnings


  • This script comes with no guarantees and should be treated as mildly hostile.
  • It has NOT been tested against recent versions of Yojimbo or Evernote. The last noted tests of this script were run in December of 2008 against what was then the most current versions of both applications.
  • At present, there is virtually no error checking in this application.
  • Unfortunately, THIS SCRIPT WILL CREATE A WEALTH OF FILES IN YOUR HOME DIRECTORY, prefixed with "tmp" to aid in manual deletion (by you, the user) after the script has completed. A more elegant solution to handling these temporary files is being investigated and any patches would be welcomed.

== Usage

=== Web Archive Items

Since Yojimbo doesn't expose the actual contents of web archives (the HTML, etc.), this script will re-clip the current content from the source URL of the web archive. This is very likely to produce unexpected results if the archived site no longer exists, for example. YMMV.

=== Password Protected Items

To allow passwords and encrypted items to be imported into Evernote, you need to modify the security settings in Yojimbo: Go to Preferences -> Security and check the "Accessing password items from scripts" and "Accessing encrypted items from scripts" under the "Allow Yojimbo to use the Keychain when:" section. Please know that allowing this sort of access is extremely unsecure and will likely result in the loss of your favorite shirt. Data that is encrypted in Yojimbo will not be encrypted once it is added to Evernote.

This is currently turned on, but can be disabled by changing the properties +doPasswords+ and +doEncryptedNotes+ to +false+ at the top of the script.

=== Note

You'll want to empty your Yojimbo trash before running this script otherwise the items therein will be imported as well.

== TODO:

  • Factor out duplicated code
  • Move individual note type handling code into discrete routines
  • Check for existence of target Evernote notebook, use another if exists
  • Remove all temp files created.
  • Error checking on I/O operations

== Credits Based on a script by Brett Kelly - [email protected]