Home > SocialMediaArchivers


SocialMediaArchivers is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Developed by local government to assist with archiving social media streams for public records retention. Initially developed by the City of Bellingham, WA.

Developed by local government to assist with archiving social media streams for public records retention. Initially developed by the City of Bellingham, WA.

Current archivers:

Facebook Fan Page: (http://www.cob.org/data/facebook/) This PowerShell script was created as a way to retain a record of all posts and comments published to a Facebook fan page wall. The data is saved in JSON files which are human readable. No effort to de-duplicate data is made. See Facebook-Fan-Page-Feed-Archiver-ReadMe.docx for instructions.

Twitter: This PowerShell script is designed to harvest all twitter entries a public account. This is done by downloading the "feed" of the last 20 entries on a regular scheduled basis in Twitter's XML format and saved to the archive path by date/time. No de-duplication or conversion is performed.

YouTube: This PowerShell script is designed to harvest all comment feeds for public videos by a given author. The feeds are downloaded in their native ATOM XML format and saved to the archive path by videoid and date/time. No de-duplication or conversion is performed.

To Do:

  • Develop de-duplication and process
  • Develop simple archive file viewers