Home > omniauth-authlogic-demo


Omniauth-authlogic-demo is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Demo rails app to showcase omniauth authentication

=OmniAuth with Authlogic demo Omniauth is a pretty simple solution if you want your users to authenticate using oauth and openid providers. Here I am using authlogic to manage the user sessions and omniauth to do the external authentication.

==Set up I have tested this with rails 2.3.8. I guess it will work with 2.3.x versions as well. I am using bundler to manage the gems. sudo gem install bundler git clone git://github.com/madhums/omniauth-authlogic-demo.git bundle install rake db:migrate script/server Dont forget to replace your oauth,openid keys and secret in config/initializers/omniauth.rb.

The demo app is at http://omniauth-authlogic-demo.heroku.com/signin

In the demo app, after authenticating, in the edit profile, you can associate multiple providers with your account.